This is not a treatise against homosexuality,

But I can tell you that gay pigs do not make good breeding stock.
Of the twenty pigs that we raised this past year on Hand Hewn Farm, we held four back to be bred for future pig progeny. In addition to these four gilts (girl pigs that have not had babies yet), we kept back one barrow (a boy pig that has had his manhood removed) for an on-farm butcher workshop later this winter.

Many thanks go out to Six Buckets Farm for lending us Freddie, their young boar (a boy pig with requisite manhood intact) to see if he can sire our ladies. Seth and Lyndsey Teter, of Six Buckets Farm, were forthcoming with Freddie’s status as an “unproven” boar. Curiously, Freddie had been displaying same-sex attraction on their farm before we received him, but I thought for sure he would not be able to resist the allure of these beauties. After a week with no visible action or signs, I noticed while feeding all six of them yesterday morning, that there was mud and matted hair all over the back of my barrow! All the gals were clean. Which means that Freddie has been mounting the only boy in the group! While this might just seem like another funny farm narrative, we need to breed these girls if we are to have any pigs available this Fall for you good people! This is serious!

Freddie’s namesake

So, per Lyndsey’s advice, I have taken on the responsibility myself, of mounting and caressing my lovely lady friends every time I feed them. It involves me straddling and laying along their backs, while groping around and massaging their teats. This is in the hopes to bring them in to heat, and make their appeal irresistible to what may be a gay boar. I really, really hope it works…’cause this is kind of a new low for me.


Update 2/4/2016: Freddie has recently shown signs of his masculine porcine nature. His interest in our girls has.. clears throat.. increased and we believe he has made is presence felt. We are so thankful for farming friends like Seth and Lyndsay Teter at Six Buckets Farm.  Freddie forever!